The Legend of Heroes Character Sorter

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Sorter for Kiseki/Trails characters. Currently in beta version, but fully functional. On hold until I can figure out something else interesting to do with it.

Click on the character you like better from the two, or tie them if you like them equally or don't know them (not recommended).

If you have any suggestions, email me here. Especially helpful would be better pictures since I'm terrible at finding and cropping good ones.

Keyboard controls during sorting:

H (pick left) | J (undo) | K (tie) | L (pick right) | S (save progress)

Before sorting:

S/Enter (start sorting) | L (load progress)

1/2/3 always correspond to the first/second/third buttons.

Current Version: 0.4 (07.11.24)

Enforcers and Anguises added. New option to filter out girls and just rank boys.

Previous Versions

0.3 (07.11.24): More characters fully available. Some more added to in-progress.

0.2 (07.11.23): A couple more characters available. Re-integrated "Filter NPC" button at start. Put some NPCs in an in-progress state.

0.1 (07.09.23): Not all characters are yet available. Filtering needs some tweaking.

Originally inspired by this site | Legend of Heroes by Falcom